Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Carbon Dating

For all those people who claim there's no point Australia doing anything about Kyoto or the environment more generally because India and China will still be polluting, consider the following from the Guardian:

"the average US carbon footprint is 19,800kg, while the impact on climate of the average Aussie is 18,000kg. Developing countries are far more sustainable: the average Chinese carbon footprint is 3,200kg, while the average Indian emits 1,200kg. Indeed, a good rule of thumb is that the poorer a person is, the less they emit - not a good omen in a world where everybody wants to be middle class. The average Tanzanian is highly sustainable, with a mere 100kg of carbon emissions per year, but it is unlikely that they are happy with this

And for all those people who watched the Al Gore film and didn't change to Green Energy it's really easy, just call your energy company and ask them what they offer...

As for carbon dating, I think this might be a new fad we can start on RSVP and gay.com , advertise your carbon footprint as a way to impress?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Who knew?

It appear hancuffs are illegal.

And maces too.

It's so hard to have fun nowadays...