Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Do these people ever give up?

It seems that riding high on the 'success' of the Cronulla 'rally' Australia's favourite 'patriots' want to re-register their political 'party' Australia First.

Witness this beautiful line in todays SMH:

"What's being done in Australia now is a situation where the European identity is being deprecated further, to the point where Europeans will disappear next century... Under certain circumstances that would be called a genocide, but it's not, it's called progress."

from the party's NSW secretary, Jim Saleam.

Genocide? Check wiki dude, "The term genocide was made up by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jew, in 1944, from the roots genos (Greek for family, tribe or race) and -cide (Latin - occidere, to kill)"

Europeans might not end up being the dominant group in Australia 'culturally' but i'm pretty sure they're not being murdered on any kind of mass scale as part of an ethnic cleansing policy. If i remember my primary school history, we (the euro-trash) are the ones who kinda did that here. And i'm pretty sure Europeans won't dissapear next century unless Europe itself falls into a freak continental rift...

If these ridiculous fools do succeed in contesting any seats i for one will be there in my sound-of-music finest.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Oh yes. You'd make quite a spunky Leisl, sixteen going on seventeen...