(n.b. the following post contains unapologetic Howard bashing, if this is illegal where you live (sedition, i'm looking at you) please visit
The Federal Government's controversial electoral legislation has been passed by Parliament. The changes include closing the electoral roll earlier, banning prisoners from voting and increasing the threshold for disclosing donations. The legislation was opposed by all non-government parties.
cvm: Ooh, my favourite part was when they decided that 16 committees with Mixed chairs should be changed to ten with Coalition chairs. Evokes the most wonderful air of abuse of powers..
eurovladd: I love the smell of autocracy in the morning.
cvm: Oh and did you see the article which suggested that the government may have *gasp* won the election *gasp* based on the Tampa incident? I thought it was because they were all so charming.
eurovladd: *I* love how the government just doesn't even care anymore about pretending and just comes out and says "yeah, Tampa won us the election".
cvm: It's very "we're bad, and we're ok with that".. i think they've watched too much Dr Phil.
eurovladd: I look forward to the PM Press Release that's just "Dear Australia, Fuck you, Affectionately, Johnny H."
cvm: Didn't we get that one the first day after the last election? It may have been coded but i definitely read those promises to "not let the majority go to their heads" as a promise to stick it to each and every Australian.
eurovladd: I think the little turd had his fingers crossed behind his back.