Tuesday, August 01, 2006

If it were a maths problem

In Lebanon so far:

406/451* deaths were Civilians. Therefore 45 combatants killed in 3 weeks or 15 combatants a week. If Israel needs another 2 weeks to destroy Hezbollah this would seem to suggest there are only around another 30 of them.

In Israel so far:

18/51** deaths were civilians. Therefore 33 Israeli soldiers have died. Including all of these deaths, at 17 a week if the stated aim is to completely annihilate Israel (population 6,352,117***) this will take another 373654 weeks or 7185 years.

Of course all of these figures are based on completely flawed assumptions such as constant death rates, non advancement in technologies, constant supply of both weapons and victims, stable intelligence levels etc etc. As such this is all a completely facetious exercise were it not for the fact that figures like "two weeks more" are so arbitrary as to be obscene.

*these numbers according to the SMH
**this number from the Israeli army statement 30/07/06
***this number from the CIA

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